
   This article will outline how to properly import a CSV file into an excel spreadsheet.  


Your version of Excel may not be the same that is used in this guide. However, the steps below should be similar.
It is important to note that the file must be saved to your PC before importing.
If you are downloading a report from the back office for import, s
ave the file first, then proceed to step 1.

If you find that your product codes are dropping the leading zeros, such as 001234567890 becomes 1234567890 then follow this guide.

This guide is not limited to just product codes, you can use this same method elsewhere for keeping the format of data consistent

  1. Open Microsoft Excel - Click the Data tab and select “From Text”
  2. Find the file you want to import (most likely will end with .csv) then click the [Import] button.

  3.  Select “Delimited” data type and click [Next].
  4. If your report is separated with comma's then select the Comma delimiter.
    If your report is separated with tab's then select the Tab delimiter,  then click [Next].

  5. Locate the column in which the Product Code resides in. Select the Text format and click on Finish.
    You can change the format for any other column as you see necessary.

  6. Select the first column and row then click [OK].  It should now have the leading zeros intact.