
    If you offer wine tastings, beer tastings, or basic by the glass service, having the option for an open tab or split tab is likely helpful. While Cloud Retailer is not a bar or restaurant point of sale program, we do do offer some basic open tab and split tab functionality.


You can create an Order Type called a Tab through the Back Office 

Click Admin on the left-hand side of the screen and select Order Types.

Then Create a new Order Type and Call it whatever you like.

Here is a video showing how to create a Tab order type:

Then once you have the Tab set up in the POS you can split it by Recalling the Order and selecting "Pickup" instead of "Select"

Pickup allows you to select the items and quantities for the items that the customer is paying for.

After you update the quantities of what the customer is paying for you can click finish and it will bring the transaction up on the screen with the quantities selected

You will notice that all items show on the transaction but the quantities will be 0 for those not being picked up.  You can then Tender the transaction to separate payment types or Multiple cards and if your location accepts tips be able to apply a tip to each card used individually.

See Configuring and Using Tips at POS

Note that there are also options to include "Tab" as an order type button on the POS Screen. The video below does not use the Tab function but uses the on hold option instead:

Average Time to Complete

15 mins